a brief lunar curiosity

a brief lunar curiosity

i would like to know

just where the moon goes to each night

recovered by the clouds and sun

what wielding hector

is she off fighting from?

what distanced lands does she explore?

i’d like to know

just what the moon says

to all her star-eyed quantum companions

is she the leader of the titular sky

or a separate entity altogether?

searching like an angel for the princes and oracles

of far forgotten lands


the moon

makes subtle friendship and judgements

to william in his study

a light bound buddy laughing at his comedies

and serenading his tales of twisted love

for all that is known, maybe

the moon

in all her glory

is merely guiding a child home

a ticking time capsule of

the cosmos’ secrets

and evermore my closest confidant

the one to whom i owe my all

secret keeper of the eventide and souls

of beings


Anya Moseke

Anya Moseke is an undergraduate student at the University of Arizona and looks forward to continuing a life of writing, performing, loving, and reveling in the unknown. She was the 2020 first place winner in the high school division of the UA Poetry Center K-12 Poetry Contest, and in her free time enjoys reading, running, and participating in art in a multitude of genres.




meditation on night