out the window
“aching in the same hard-backed chair / i learned to speak amongst the pains / wrote myself into the lucky one”
“Do you see this picture of this vaquero? / He’s my dad / A John Wayne type, the real true grit”
Rock Glen Radley Road
“The laughs, the messes, the missing plate, once resting, / She was too afraid to admit she broke”
My Daughters
“My daughters are the gentle drizzle of rain / A blast of an erupting volcano / They are riches of the ground, the gold rush”
Why I Hate Arizona Summers
“The July heat made you sick yesterday, / your paper back sliding off the hardwood.”
Animal of Prey in Love
“collapse into tightest earth / burrow in and fall apart”
Good Days
“the cracks bleed gold and her soul unfolds / into a beautiful painful collection of pieces eroded”